Olivas Links Senior Men's Club Membership or Renewal Form
Dues: (Full Year): Renewals $90. New $100
Web Site: olivasseniors.com/
New Members without handicaps will be given a temporary handicap by the Tournament Chair.
Note: Membership is closed and there is a waiting list. Do not fill out the form as a new member unless approved by Membership Chair, Jeff Kaplowitz.
New Member _____ Renewal _____ Phone: _________________
E-Mail: _________________________
Name (Print): _____________________________ DOB: ___/___/___
Address: _________________________City__________Zip: _______
Current Index? _________ SCGA #? __________________
Please Submit application to:
Jeff Kaplowitz
3112 Lisbon Lane
Oxnard Ca. 93036
Make checks payable to Olivas Links Sr. M. G. C. (OLSMGC)
Any Questions, contact Jeff Kaplowitz, kaplowitzja@gmail.com or 1-860-212-1096.