Special Report
2022: The Year in Review
Olivas Seniors
Now that the 2022 Golf Year is behind us, let's take a brief look
back at some of the highlights that took place during the year:
1. Our Membership grew to 209 Members (20 +/- on the waiting list)
2. We had 4 Holes in 1 during the year:
a. Bill Kane Dec, 20, 2021 # 17
b. Mike McGann April 25, 2022 #17
c. Bob Szejn May 31, 2022 #17
d. Mike Knight Oct. 3, 2022 #8
3. We had 6 “Eagles” reported on Par 4’s
a. Bill Gohlke # 9
b. Phil Williamson # 16
c. Jack Wiltfang # 9
d. John Dudik #1
e. Dan Murphy #16
f. Dan Turner #12
g. Hal Grant #4
h. Pete Althof #12
4. Our Top 10 Money Winners for 2022 were:
1. Gavin Hamilton $93
2. Gary Walin $77
3. Phil Williamson $74
4. Sid Frank $64
5. Jack Clements $61
6. Gary Scott $61
7. Ken Boyd $60
8. Jeff Margulies $59
9. Arnie Moser $57
10. Jack Wiltfang $57
5. Our Club Champions for 2022 were:
a. Low Gross: Dave Stoltz
b. Low Net "A" Flight: Doug Klingensmith
c. Low Net "B" Flight: Dennis Flynn
d. Low Net "C" Flight: Richard Adam
e. "Super Srs" Low Gross: Buck Jeans
f. "Super Srs" Low Net: Jim Rivas
6. Our Match Play Champions for 2022 were:
a. Bracket 1: Dominick Bruno
b. Bracket 2: Brien Fitzgerald
c. Bracket 3: Hugh Clabaugh
7. Our Best Scores of the Year were:
a. Low Gross:
69: Kevin Rennie Michael Blue (2)
70: Kevin Rennie Pete Althof (2) Gavin Hamilton
71: Kevin Rennie Rich Kirby Michael Blue Jeff Davies
Gary Scott John Trueba
72: Gavin Hamilton (3) Rich Kirby Gary Scott Pete Althof
Craig Adams (2) Michael Blue (3) Vince Jimenez Greg Mathews
Jeff Davies Dave Stoltz
b. Best Low Net Scores:
63: Bill Custer
64: Lloyd Arnett Gavin Hamilton Robert Rada
65: Joel Gershon Bruce Iler Craig Alton Robert Skillin
Ron Kaplan Brien Fitzgerald Jim Donswyk Pete Althof
Al Schumacher Dennis Flynn Sid Frank John Trueba
66: Gregory Harrison Rich Kirby Robert Skillin Dick Fisher
Glenn Hamashita Jack Clements Val Mayer Bill Kane
Myles Monroe Theo Fallati (2) Paul Fridrich Bob Brisbine
Carl Lauten Walt Wilson
c. Our Best 4 Man Scramble Scores (Gross) were:
58: Jeff Polan Bill Wood Craig Adams Dan Adams
59: Mike Knight Joel Godfrey Carl Lauten
Jeff Davies Wayne Troxell Pete Althof Gary Scott
Dave Stoltz Rich Kirby Steve Walden Gregory Harrison
60: David Frost Carl Vanderveen Dan Murphy Brien Fitzgerald
Gavin Hamilton Randy Hart Larry Owens Mike Bell
John Hammil Ely Enriquez Brad Zlomke Vince Jimenez
Robert Skillin Lindsay Wellman Steve Drosdek Kevin Rennie
Dave Stoltz Rich Kirby Steve Walden Vince Jimenez
Phil Williamson Wayne Lewis Ray Krakowski Doug Moe
61: Robert Skillin Lindsay Wellman Steve Drosek Kevin Rennie
Mike Knight Ron Gudgeon Joel Godfrey Carl Lauten
Mike Knight Ron Gudgeon Joel Godfrey Arnie Moser
Mike Knight Joel Godfrey Carl Lauten Raul DaCosta
John Dudik Jeff Kaplowitz Gary Zietlow Phil Williamson
Myles Monroe Pete Cosenza Jeff Chandler Iain O’Higgins
Jeff Davies Wayne Troxell Pete Althof (Doug Jone) (3)
Mike Barra Joe Pastorello Norm Louie Todd McGrady (2)
Mike Barra Todd McGrady Brien Fitzgerald
Jeff Margulies Doug Klingensmith John Oxford
Gary Walin Bill Custer Jim O’Neil
Bob Underhill Hal Grant Gary Best
Gavin Hamilton Larry Owens Mike Bell Gary Scott
d. Our Best 4 Man Scramble Scores (Net) were:
42: Jack Clements Charlie Caspary Dominick Bruno Gene Blythe
43: Jack Clements Charlie Caspary Jim Rivas
44: Ken Boyd Robeert Sanchez Danny Russell
Jack Cllements Charlie Caspary Gene Blythe Garth Price
45: Jack Clements Charlie Caspary Gene Blythe
46: Manny Centeno Larry Mueller Mike Greenslate Jim Knapp
Jack Clements Charlie Caspary Jim Rivas Gene Blythe
Jack Clements Charlie Caspary Dominick Bruno
Mike Young Robert Rada Lorry Gershon
Jim Rivas Dave Laubacher Del Hanson
47: Dan Turner Ron Rubenstein John Palmer
Jim Rivas Dave Laubacher Jack Clements
48: David Frost Brien Fitzgerald Mike McGann Steve Burhans
Brian Baird Rick Williams Tom Bruce
Richard Slyker Rick Riley Pete Ross Michael Blue
Ron Rubenstein John Palmer Harvey Harris Carl Gregory
Manny Centeno Larry Mueller Jim Knapp Jon Kono
Richard Adam Rick Underwood Dean Immel Tom Grainger
8. The 2022 Ventura Cup was cancelled for 2022.
9. History: “Out of Town” Tournaments
a. Las Posas Country Club: Oct. 15, 2020
b. Moorpark Country Club: Jan. 21, 2021
c Ojai Valley Inn: April 29, 2021
d. Moorpark Country Club: Jan. 20, 2022
10. Our 2022 Scholarship Recipient was Jared Lantiegne who played
Golf for Footthill Technology and will be attending Ventura College.
11. We are Grateful for the Friendship and Wonderful
Memories of our Departed Members in 2022:
a. Peter Nicholas Jan. 23rd
b. Rod Ibers Jan. 25th
c. Rich Guzik April 18th
d. Dominick Bruno Sept 17th
e. Rick Masterson Nov. 4th
12. We want to thank our 2022 Board Members who kept
everything running so smoothly.
a. Alan McIntosh (President & Tournament Chair)
b. John Dudik (V. P., Handicap, Rules, Social, Match Play, V. Cup)
c. Don Nicksay (Secretary)
d. Del Hanson (Treasurer)
e. Jeff Kaplowitz (Membership Chair, Match Play, V. Cup, Social)
f. Paul Fridrich (Scholarship Chair /Social Committee)
g. Jeff Margulies (Out of Town Tournament Chair)
h. Steve Moore (New Director)
i. Bill Phillips (Past President Emeritus)
**And Special Thanks to Richard Adam, our Web-Master for the great job he
does keeping Our Website up to date. (Https://seniorsatolivas.webs.com )
14. Rain Outs & Cancellations
a. Mon. Dec. 27th Rain
b. Mon. March 28th Rain
c. Mon. Nov. 7th Rain
15. Miscellaneous Trivia:
a. Heavy winds Feb. 22nd. Just 36 players finished!!
b. 9 Hole (Best 9) Tournament held March 7th during “Aeration”
Best Scores: Net “33”: Dan Ballard Steve Drosdek John Vigiano
c. Sept. 6th: Hottest day of the year for Golf (85 degrees)
d. Sept. 12th: Travelled to Buena for a LN on their beautiful course!
e. Oct. 10th: 5 Club Tournament (9 Holes) during “Aeration”
Barry Bardo shoots 36/net 31 (9 Holes) with just 5 Clubs!!
f. John Dudik and Jeff Kaplowitz hosted a fabulous Xmas Party at
the Black Bear Restaurant on Dec. 9th. A great time was had by all!!
16. Milestones (2022)
a. Don Nicksay celebrates his 27th year as a Board Member. Thank you
Don for your incredible devotion and service to our Club!!
b. Alan celebrated his 1000th consecutive tournament in Oct. 2022 after
taking over for Don Muir in 2002. (I thought retirement was sitting in a
hammock on the beach sipping pina coladas!! What happened?? 😊)
c. Jeff Kaplowitz and John Dudik celebrated their 2nd year as “Chairs” of
our increasingly popular “Match Play” Championships!! Thank you Jeff
and John!!
17. Important Policy Changes over the past few years: (Review)
a. New Hole in 1 Policy
Effective March 11, 2019, the Club will pay out a
flat $100 to any member who records a Hole in 1
during tournament play.
b. The White Tee Box at #16 was moved up from
441 yds to approximately 400 yds
c. Membership “Temporary Freeze” announced June 15, 2020
to take effect July 1, 2020. “Active” Membership will be limited
to approximately 200 “Active” Members as determined
by SCGA, in order to keep the Club manageable and
enjoyable for both the Membership and Administration.
d. A “Waiting List” was established and quickly filled with
prospective members. These players were invited to play
each week as “floaters” to fill in spots, subject to
availability. Approximately 50 from the waiting list are now
“Active” Members!! 😊
18. Membership Renewals
a. Membership Renewal notification is now handled by both
SCGA and our Membership Chair, Jeff Kaplowitz. You will
be notified that it is time to renew 1-2 months in advance
with follow-ups as needed.
b. When you get your renewal notice, you may renew directly with
SCGA using a credit card or write a check for $80 made out to
the OLSMGC and mail to our Membership Chairman:
Jeff Kaplowitz
3112 Lisbon Ln
Oxnard Ca. 93036
19. Free Lifetime Membership Policy
a. On Sept. 10, 2018, The Board of Directors
voted unanimously to offer Free Lifetime
Memberships to all Active Members who are
90+ years of age or will be turning 90 in the
coming year. The goal is to recognize
these gentlemen for showing to all the rest
of us that Golf is indeed a Lifetime Sport and
to thank them for being an inspiration to the
rest of us to keep playing as long as we are
b. The Olivas Management has joined us by
offering Free Carts to each of our recipients
during Olivas Srs. Tournament Play.
c. The following Members have been given
Free Lifetime Memberships:
1. Herb Rose
2. Jay Hillman
3. Bill Phillips
4. Bill Wood*
5. Ron Kolar
6. Don Nicksay*
*Still “Active” 😊
20. Finally We want to thank the Olivas Management
and their Staff for always being so welcoming to us
each Monday morning and a special thanks to the
Course Maintenance Crew for the great job they do
keeping our Golf Course in such good shape year
Many Thanks to everyone for another Great Year!! Let's
all work together to make 2023 our Best Year Ever!!
Alan McIntosh
President & T. Director
Dec. 11, 2022
**Feel free to copy this and show your achievements to your Kids and Grandkids 😊
**Previous “Years in Review” for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021
can be found on our website under “More”.