Special Report: "2018: The Year in Review"
Now that the 2018 Golf Year is behind us, let's take
a brief look back at some of the highlights that took place during the year:
1. Our Membership grew to 180 Members!!
2. We had 6 Holes in 1 during the year:
a. Larry Naumann Jan. 22nd #17
b. Dean Immel June 18th #8
c. Robert Skillin June 25th #5
d. Robert Skillin Sept. 17th #17 Buena
e. Tom Brubaker Nov. 5th #5
f. Robert Skillin Nov. 19th #17
(Most Holes in 1 we have ever had in 1 year)
(Robert Skillin: First to ever record 3 Holes in 1
during Tournament Play, much less
in 1 year!!!)
3. Our Top 10 Money Winners for 2018 were:
1. Dennis Orrock $90
2. Dave Laubacher $83
3. Ray Aichner $82
4. Ron Kolar $82
5. Hugh Clabaugh $80
6. Paul Fridrich $76
7. Bill Wood $72
8. Tom Xedos $69
9. Richard Slyker $68
10. Steve Caswell $65
Bill Smith $65
4. Our Club Champions for 2018 were:
a. Low Gross: Kevin Rennie
b. Low Net "A" Flight: Gregory Harrison
c. Low Net "B" Flight: Paul Fridrich
d. Low Net "C" Flight: Stuart Heller
e. "Super Srs" Low Gross: Bill Wood
f. "Super Srs" Low Net: Jack Wiltfang
5. Our Best Scores of the Year were:
a. Low Nets:
58: Richard Adam, Hugh Clabaugh
Bob Helm, Phil Williamson,
Jack Wiltfang, Bill Wood
59: Jim Geleszinski Bill Gohlke
Bob Tovias, Tom Xedos
60: Ray Aichner, Brian Baird, Charlie Caspary
Richard Ericksen, Don Franke, John Gough
Dave Laubacher, John Palmer, Bill Smith
Bob Tripp, Phil Williamson
b. Low Gross:
70: Bill Gallagher
71: Len Borggrebe, Jim Kanter
72: Steve Adams (2), Hugh Clabaugh
Randy Hart, Jim Kanter (2), Taylor Kasch,
Duane Koyano, Jeff Polan, Kevin Rennie (3)
Gary Scott. Dave Stoltz (3),
c. Our Best 4 Man Scramble Scores (Gross) were:
58: Wayne Troxell Jeff Davies John Gough
59: Steve Adams Kevin Rennie David Frost
(Gil Ontiveros) (Rich Kirby) (Twice)
59: Carl Rhoads Buck Jeans Pete Althof
Carl Jarrett
59: Gavin Hamilton Gary Best Gary Scott
d. Best 4 Man Scramble Scores (Net) were:
37: Jack Clements Charlie Caspary Rod Ibers
38: Jack Clements Gene Blythe Rod Ibers
41: Dave Laubacher Tom Xedos Del Hanson
Joe Garces (Twice)
41: Ron Kolar Brian Baird Carl Jarrett
Bob Tovias
41: Barry Bernbaum Bob Nast Bill Soady
6. The 2018 Ventura Cup was Cancelled due to the
Fires and Road Closures in November. But those
who volunteered and were ready to play were:
a. Capts: Randy Hart and Dave Stoltz
b. Teammates: Steve Adams, Lloyd Arnett, Mike Bell,
Len Borggrebe, Hugh Clabaugh, Jeff Davies,
Bill Gallagher, Glenn Hamashita, John Hammil,
Gregory Harrison, Randy Hart, Buck Jeans,
Billy Lincoln, Greg Mathews, Carl Rhoads,
Paul Fagnant, Bill Gohlke, Eddie Sierra,
Gary Scott, Dave Specter, Robert Skillin
Dave Stoltz, Bruce Yeoman, Bob Underhill
Rick Underwood, Chris Vanderveen, Steve Walden
Jeff Margulies, Gavin Hamilton, Lindsay Wellman
7. Our 2018 Scholarship Recipient is Serena Zuniga
who played on the Girls Golf Team at Buena H.S.
She will be attending California Lutheran College.
8. We are Grateful for the Friendship and Wonderful
Memories of our departed Member in 2018:
a. Bill Asano (April 27th)
9. We want to thank our Board Members who keep
everything running so smoothly:
a.. Don Nicksay (Acting President, Membership
Chair and Secretary)
b. Del Hanson (Treasurer)
c. John Dudik (Handicap Chairman)
d. Bill Gallagher (Ass't Tournament Chair)
e.. Paul Fridrich (Member of the Board)
f. Dennis Orrock (Member of the Board)
g. Richard Guzik (Retired Hcp Chair/Scholarship)
h. Bill Phillips (Past President Emeritus)
i. Alan McIntosh (Tournament Director)
**And also Richard Adam our Web-Master for the great job he does keeping our website up to date!!
10. Miscellaneous "Trivia"
a. Mon. Dec. 4th was the 1st official tournament for
2018. That night The Thomas Fire broke out in
Santa Paula and reached Ventura later that
b. Our Golf Club responded by donating several
car loads of clothing which were delivered to the
Red Cross.
c. We had just 1 rainout (Jan. 8th).
d. We had several "Windy" Days, the windiest being
Oct. 15th (Just 18 Players Finished)
e. We set a record for Prize Money: $4646
f. Bill Phillips was honored during the Final Round
of our Club Championship for his 24 years of
service as President of the Olivas Srs. The new
Phillips Cup was presented for the first time to
our 2018 Club Champion (Low Gross) Kevin
11. Important Policy Changes 2018:
a. Membership Renewal notification is now handled
by SCGA. SCGA will send out a renewal notice
approximately 2 months before renewal is due.
Consider this a renewal notice for the Olivas Srs
as well.
1. When you get your renewal notice, write a
check for $80 made out to the OLSMGC and
mail to our Membership Chairman:
Don Nicksay
P.O Box 6297
Ventura Ca. 93006
2. The Olivas Srs will pay your SCGA Dues.
12. New Free Lifetime Membership Policy
a. On Sept. 10, 2018, The Board of Directors
voted unanimously to offer Free Lifetime
Memberships to all Active Members who are
90+ years old or will be turning 90 in the
coming year (2019). The goal is to recognize
these gentlemen for showing to all the rest
of us that Golf is indeed a Lifetime Sport and
to thank them for being an inspiration to the
rest of us to keep playing as long as we are
b. The Olivas Management has joined us by
offering Free Carts to each of our recipients
during Olivas Srs Tournament Play.
c. The following Active Mmebers have been given
these Free Lifetime Memberships:
1. Herb Rose
2. Jay Hillman
3. Rod Ibers
4. Bill Wood
5. Ron Kolar
6. Don Nicksay
7. Bill Phillips
8. Gene Steiner
9. Bill Asano (Posthumously)
13. Finally We want to thank the Olivas Management
and their Staff for always being so welcoming to us
each Monday morning and a special thanks to the
Course Maintenance Crew for the great job they do
keeping our Golf Course in such good shape year
Many Thanks to everyone for another Great Year!! Let's
all work together to make 2019 our Best Year Ever!!
Alan McIntosh
Jan. 1, 2019